Terms and Conditions of Vase Liga, z.s.
with the legal address Pískařská 2075/1, Praha 4, 143 00 identification number: 26581353 registered in the Federal Register of Prague Municipal Court, file number L 19512 (hereinafter reffered to as „Vase Liga“) for participation in activities organized by us and payment of membership fees through online interface on the website www.vaseliga.cz, in accordance with the statutes and provisions of Section § 253 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code (hereinafter reffered to as „the Civil Code“).
User account
- Based on your registration on the website www.vaseliga.cz (hereinafter referred to as the „website“) we will approve this application and notify you by means of an informative email confirming your registration and creating an account (hereinafter reffered to as „User Account“).
- You can access your user account through the website. From your user account, you can make the appropriate membership payments for the selected activities, in accordance with the decision made by Vase Liga Committee, which determines their amount.
- When registering on the website, you are required to provide correct and true information. You must update the information in your user account whenever you change it. The information recorded about you in the user account will be considered correct.
- Access to the user account is secured by user name (e-mail) and password.
- You are not authorized to provide the user account for use by third parties.
- You can terminate your user account at any time, by sending us a written request to cancel your Vase Liga membership in accordance with Article 5 of articles of association. If you wish to retain your membership, please let us know at least by e-mail without undue delay after you cancel your user account, or better before that.
- Please acknowledge that the user account may not be available at all times, especially with regard to the necessary maintenance of the hardware and software equipment, maintenance of third party hardware and software equipment. The unavailability of the user account does not affect the membership rights according to the articles of association.
Services provided for members
- We provide for you the possibility to participate in various sports events according to the current offer found on the website or communicated to the members by other means.
- We provide for you the possibility to participate in categorized competitions of individual sports, mediate contacts to other members according to selected categories and also provide operation of the interface, where it is possible to monitor and evaluate the results of individual sports categories. Vase Liga also provides for its members the coordination and support of the above activities, as well as other activities arising from the articles of association.
- We do not guarantee or are not responsible for the availability, capacity or prices of individual sports venues. While we make every effort to provide more favorable than standard conditions in some partner sport centres for our members, the provision of the price advantage is not mandatory and depends on the decision of the sports venue operator.
- Please note that we are NOT a sports venue. With this in mind, we are not responsible for any injury that you may incur during sport activities conducted at other operators' venues. Because you are reasonable and you know that anything can happen during sports, and even if you would be entitled to compensation, you hereby waive it to the extent permitted by law. This, of course, does not apply if we intentionally cause damage to you.
- Sports or other events that we organize ourselves are always regulated by separate conditions, which are part of the application for a specific event. Unless otherwise stated in a particular application, we are never in a position of tour operator or other similar position. You are participating independently and Vase Liga only coordinates the participation of individual members at the event. In view of the above, we are not responsible for any damage that may be incurred by you at events we organize. Because you are reasonable and you know that anything can happen in sports, and even if you should be entitled to damages, you hereby waive it to the extent permited by law. This, of course, does not apply if we intentionally cause damage to you.
- We have the right to decide if you are NOT eligible to participate in any of the events we organize, although we commit to avoid rejecting participants without a reason (rejection could happen due to insufficient capacity, non-payment of membership fees or your inappropriate behavior at any of our previous events).
- We provide for you the possibility of paying the membership fees as well as registering for individual sports activities, which we organize through the online platform found on the website.
- Please note that participation in organized sports competitions as well as participation in organized events is limited to VASE LIGA members. We focus on ensuring that the association serves our members, not the sale of goods or services to the public (consumers).
- Your request will only be considered confirmed if such request is explicitly confirmed by e-mail (the e-mail confirming the receipt of the request is not sufficient).
- Any cost you incur in connection with your participation and membership in VASE LIGA, in particular the costs of paying specific court rentals, sportswear and sports equipment, etc., unless you are explicitly covered by a specific membership fee in which a specific item has been specified, are covered by yourself.
Payment of membership fees
- You can pay the membership fees in the following ways:
- by bank transfer to the seller's account No. 2100034821/2010, administered by Fio Banka, a.s.
- cashless payment by card via website (payment gateway).
- The amount of membership fees may vary and is set by VASE LIGA Committee.
- Membership fees for taking part in some sport activities can be set to proceed automatically every month by card payment or by deduction from your electronic wallet balance.
- These payments will continue automatically every month until you sign out from the activity.
- The fee amount for an activity is specified in up to date Membership fees list on the website.
- Failure to pay a membership fee may result in your exclusion from VASE LIGA
- You can pay the membership fees in the following ways:
Sending commercial messages and storing cookies
- By creating a user account, you agree to use your e-mail address for business communication with our business partners. We always try to address you only with offers we consider interesting and we do not give your data to anyone else for the above purpose. However, if you do not like the submitted offers, you can withdraw your consent at any time.
- Our website uses cookies in order to make it easier for you to navigate our website. You hereby consent to the storing of cookies on your computer. If it does not affect the functionality of the user account and the use of the website, you can also withdraw this consent at any time (more about cookies here).
Processing of personal data
- In our In the course of our activities, we process your personal data. Details can be found here.