
Chris Owen - nejlepší Brit v lize a jeden z nejlepších hráčů celkově

Chris Owen - nejlepší Brit v lize a jeden z nejlepších hráčů celkově
23. Květen 2023
Dnes pro vás mám rozhovor s hráčem, který hraje squash už 46 let. Z toho ve VAŠÍ LIZE hraje od roku 2016 a odehrál v ní už přes 248 zápasů. Velšský expat žijící v Praze. Jeden z nejlepších squashistů v ČR ve své věkové kategorii. Chris Owen.

Chris Owen hraje pražskou squashovou ligu. Momentálně je v úrovni 2.A a 5. v žebříčku ročníku 2023. Užijte si rozhovor s tímto zajímavým člověkem.

Text jsem pro autentičnost nechal v angličtině, v překladu by to nebylo ono :)

Chris, where are you from and where do you live now? Why Czech Republic?

I’m from Wales originally but have mostly lived outside the UK since the mid 90’s. I moved to Prague from London in 2002 to start a new job, I have settled here now with a family and love the city its culture and being in the heart of Europe, even if it is a 1000km from the sea!

How old are you?

I will be 65 this year!

What sport do you play in VASE LIGA and how long have you been playing it?

I joined the squash leagues in 2016 and have played 248 safe and enjoyable matches!

How long have you been playing squash in total?

I took up playing squash when I started college in 1977, so 46 years (I had to use a calculator for that!)

What are your masters achievements or in general?

I represented Wales at 55+ and won 4 of my 6 matches at last years World Masters, which I was quite pleased with.

Why did you start in VASE LIGA?

One of my squash team mates suggested it to me as he thought it would suit me, and he was right!

What do you like about it?

Friendly younger opponents present me with a great challenge and make a lot of fun. I also like being able to play anywhere in Prague when it suits me.

What sports did you do in childhood or younger age?

I started playing tennis when I was 10 and entered junior tournaments in Wales for a few years, then played badminton quite seriously for a couple of seasons, it was better suited to the Welsh weather!

What do you do for living?

I am an architect by profession but am now semi-retired. I still carry out some environmental audits for commercial building in Czech and Slovak Republics and that’s interesting to be involved with sustainability.

Do you prefer dogs or cats?

Dogs, I’m allergic to cats!

Blond girls or brown hair?

mmmm….I’m more interested in other attributes!

Do you prefer women or food?

Women, but  combining both is good too!

What are your sport goals?

I would like to play for Wales 65+ next year, play in the 2024 World masters in Amsterdam and may even shoot for a Czech Masters title when I can become a citizen!

And what are your personal goals or dreams?

Well I feel very fortunate to be in good health with great family and friends so I aim to keep in shape so I can enjoy and support those relationships as long as possible. I also draw and paint quite seriously, so I will have an art practice when my legs stop working!

Any message for players or organisers of VASE LIGA?

Participation in sports is great and life enhancing. Thanks for the competition and the organisation, keep playing!

Chris thank you for your answers and I wish you good luck both in VAŠE LIGA and in Masters championships . 


Tomáš - zakladatel tohoto cirkusu

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